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MAPAPA employs two websites. This site is used to showcase our members virtual gallery images.  Our main website facilitates tasks such as new memberships, membership renewals, registering for workshops and paint out events. The website is located by clicking HERE.

If you wish to join MAPAPA as a new member, click on the link to become a NEW MEMBER





The current cost of membership is $50 a year, renewable on the anniversary date of the month you joined. Payments are easy to complete by using a major credit card.

If you are unable to access the MAPAPA membership site to join, renew or log into the membership website, send an e-mail to the current Membership Coordinator




Why Join MAPAPA?
Through workshops, paint outs and other special events, we promote the appreciation of, and participation in the art of outdoor painting. By becoming a member you may participate in workshop and painting trips (paint outs). A special membership benefit is a Paint Out Plus event, where an accomplished artist shares a favorite painting place and provides a demo and instruction.  Through our newsletter,The Pallette, we provide information about events, workshops and other news to inform members about art events in this region. Paint outs provide wonderful opportunities to meet fellow painters, learn while doing, observing and asking artists’ questions.


Who can join?
Anyone interested in the fine art of outdoor painting (painting "en plein air").


Levels of Membership:


Member - Application for membership at the Member level is open to any person interested in participating in plein air painting as an artist or patron. Members may apply to participate in exhibitions. Membership is contingent upon being up-to-date on membership dues.


Artist Member - An Artist Member is someone who has been an active and participating MAPAPA member for at least years. A candidate must be an accomplished plein air painter. A candidate must demonstrate a commitment to plein air painting by participating in MAPAPA events, juried as well as non-juried and by encouraging and supporting the activity of plein air painting (by organizing paint outs, volunteering at MAPAPA sponsored event or the Annual Meeting. or in some other capacity, such as in serving on the MAPAPA board. Artist Member Application Instructions can be downloaded by clicking this ARTIST MEMBER link.


Signature Member - The board reviews and invites Artist Members in good standing to become Signature Members.


Please contact the membership coordinator at Membership if you have any questions or concerns.

© 2024 MAPAPA

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